To receive emergency text alerts, students, faculty and staff should add mobile phone numbers to their UVA Alerts account. All members of the University community with a valid UVA email are automatically enrolled to receive emergency emails; they can add emails of family/contacts. UVA members can receive desktop pop-up alerts by installing Alertus. Everyone can receive alert notifications by downloading the mobile safety app (set location services always on).
What's new with DSS?
Active Attack & Response Video
We encourage everyone within the UVA Community to view this training video on how to respond in an Active Attcker Situation.
UVA Debuts New Safety App: UVA Ready
We launched the new UVA Ready app, which will help connect the UVA Community with resources and tools that can be used in an emergency.
Annual Fire Safety Report
The University publishes an Annual Fire Safety and Security Report in an effort to foster a safe and informed community.