Emergency phones provide the public with direct contact to the police department. If you feel threatened, in danger, are experiencing an emergency, need police or security assistance -- or even if something just doesn't feel right -- press or pick up the nearest emergency phone. Outdoor phones are lit by a distinctive blue light. Indoor phones are usually colored red or outlined in red.
Outdoor Emergency Phones
Commonly known as "blue light phones" because of their distinctive blue light on top, these phones are located throughout Grounds, in UVA garages, and in surrounding neighborhoods. Phones on Grounds connect directly to the UVA Police Department, while phones off Grounds connect to the Emergency Communications Center (911). To call for help, press the button in the area labeled "EMERGENCY." A dispatcher will answer and assist you. The dispatcher will also instantly have information on the exact location of the phone you activated.
Indoor Emergency Phones
Some buildings on Grounds are equipped with indoor emergency phones. All indoor emergency phones automatically connect to UVA Police once you lift the handle. These phones are generally red, or are outlined in red.
Emergency Phone Status
Students, faculty, staff, and visitors are encouraged to report any issues they see with any emergency phone on Grounds. To report a problem with an emergency phone (blue light or red indoor phone) or to view the current phone status, contact us at [email protected]
The Department of Safety and Security is responsible for the coordination of the UVA EPhone program. If you have suggestions, questions or feedback regarding the program please contact us at [email protected]